(What I wonder, were his thoughts and impressions training up the subcontinent to his Himalayan destiny? Once again making his Indian rounds? Or had he somehow broken the circle in his own mind? Were the sights -- and insights -- somehow fresh, touched with some wonder and grace? When came the first pain, the first premonition of something very wrong, the realization of dying? Were some last thoughts cast to California? wafted to the Sooke hills? At least that was not the end of his journey, even with the last period in this book. I doubt if that would have been news to him.
Finally, what is a father, a friend, a brother in Dhamma, to say? Perhaps, no more than the Pali word evaṃ: it is as it is. The Buddha said, 'Be lamps unto yourselves, and work out your salvation with diligence.' The Buddha was called Tathāgata: He who has come and gone. None but a Buddha wholly comes and goes. Robert Smith devoted his life to homing on that wholeness. May ours be as well. Perhaps, this is ending in the middle as well. -- Hūm)
The End
Sooke, B.C. -- December, 1989
I don't know how many other people have been following the travels and experiences of V in this web-blog, but I have greatly enjoyed it.
It's been a part of my daily routine, and I am grateful to all the people who made it possible. V's personality and authenticity come through loud and clear - hopefully we today are carrying on this tradition (which in turn I think V felt he inherited himself from Nanavira).
I am not sure if Hum is still alive and well but if so my best wishes are also extended to him in gratitude for sharing the letters that V wrote to him.
Regards, Acha
Hello -
It's been 15 years since you've written this response to these blog pieces, but I'm hoping that someone sees this, as I am V/Samanera Bodhesako/Robert Smith's nephew and only just found this website today. I am in the process of trying to learn more about my uncle, who I never saw after the age of 13.
I did travel to Sooke, British Columbia in 1994 to meet Hum and spend several days with him, learning a lot about my uncle and acquiring a few letters that were written to me that for some reason Hum had in his possession.
I will also try writing to Path Press directly and see if I can talk to someone who knew V in his last couple of decades.
So grateful for this - Steve Goldberg
Your uncle’s life continues to inspire to this day. Reaching out to pathpress should be enough to get you going in the right direction. If not, if you email samanadipa forest monastery and ask for Hiriko, he can likely point you in many possible directions. Best of luck, friend
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