24 July 2008

Letter 2.46

Since I was presented with my horoscope (unasked for), I presented it to you (unasked for), merely for your amusement -- not for what you'd make of it (if anything). While horoscopes may be in the same category as reading cards or tea leaves -- i.e. that the reader is more important than the system with which he is shackled -- and it might be conceit to think that the great stars influence (not 'determine') one's life, it might also be conceit to imagine that one is free from all such influences. A good case can be made for astrology. A good case can be made against astrology also. For myself, I have no particular interest in systems of any sort. A system is necessarily a complete view, and it is impossible for an existing individual to have an outside, or complete, picture of his own existence, since as existing individual he is enclosed within and part of his world). Still, I did find it amusing -- and possibly even useful. Whether or not there's anything 'to it' is totally irrelevant. The only important question is not 'is it true?' but 'is my relationship to it a true relationship?', and if it is then its truth or falsity doesn't even arise. Can I not only apply statements in the reading to myself but also do something about it?

What Yoga book are you using, mother? And which exercises are you doing? I find that I've dropped many of the exercises I was doing and now concentrate on just a few, doing them for longer periods of time. It's a matter of experimenting to find which exercises make you feel better; but it's always a good idea to include at least a few of the exercises that tone the glands (which are usually the stimulating exercises, and one feels invigorated afterwards). Iyengar's 'Light on Yoga' is the best book I've seen: Schocken Books, New York. Since we're on books, I've just read Berne's 'Games People Play', and found it one of the best non-fiction books I've read in a long while: Black Cat Paperback (Grove Press).

The few acres of clearing I'm in abound in fruit (as well as flowers), and guava are now ripening on the tree and there's enough around for the monkeys, the village children, and even myself. Also a kind of fruit like a large pink grape, slightly tart, but rather refreshing. Jack fruit grows year around, as do papayas. No bananas here, but there are several different kinds of berries which night be nice if cultivated but wild tend to be small and not too flavorful.

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