9 August 2008

Letter 2.62

(On the day I finished a 40 day fast by Elk Lake, on southern Vancouver Island, I received the last aerogramme from Almora. On the inside of it was painted in water-color-thanka-style -- an emaciated sadhu reminiscent of Siddharta Gautama sitting cross-legged at the root of the bo tree on the verge of becoming the Buddha; only he, with green halo, was seated on a green lotus in a black void -- Hūm)

How's dis for mountains, hey?

Will I arrive at Mahasamuddra and cross over, by possibly monsoon, to find out about Siamese rain and other such romances? Or will it be back to the land of coconuts, and all those undiscovered vitamins, stringhoppers, rabbit holes, mad tea parties, and whatnot?

What's going on? Something coming off?


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